Now on
- Compilation of
- Circulars from 1992 onwards across regulators NSE/BSE/SEBI for cash and derivatives
- Orders and Rulings from SAT/ Chairman/ Members/Adjudicating Officer of the SEBI
from March, 2007
- With perceived implications of the circulars/ orders and rulings
- A hyperlink to circulars on the regulatory websites for quick and easy referencing
- Segregation of circulars into modules facilitating easy and speedy reference
- Search and advance search with different categories
of searches
- Match case -searches with case sensitive characters
- Circular number search -searches the content specifically only in circular number
- Matched exact phrase -searches for particular words line in specific sequence from
the database
- Match any one of the words from the phrase -searchers for any of the word from the
words line (this option may take longer time to download data)
- Match All words from the phrase -searches for all words in any sequence from the
- Facility to update own key/important comments against
specific circular which can be seen only in self log in.
Express your likes or dislikes on circulars / Orders by clicking
Facilitates users to express likes/ dislikes against
particular circular / Orders by clicking on “Thumbs Up”
and “Thumbs Down”
Also facilitates user to rate the circular / orders
within the range from 1 to 5 by clicking on stars symbol at “My Rating”.
User can have collection of favorite circulars/Orders
by clicking to “Add to favorites” on a circular and see collection in “My Favorites”
Order details can also be use for Debarred Entity
and penalized entity verification against new /existing client registration verification.
- Linking of references - previous references tracking,
forward and backward tracking
- View “Backward trail “ taking you to the genesis
of the said circulars
- View “Forward Trail” to help you see subsequent
circulars which have referred the said circular
- Required circulars / orders can be printed in PDF
with or without implications.
- Access anywhere anytime where internet based access
is 24 X 7 up and running.