What Is Compliance
Reference Window(CRW)?
- Facilitates Structured reference to regulatory releases
- Effortless searching through one or all of the regular websites
How does it help?
- Cost in terms of time Management
- Helps in immediate retieval
- Helps in informed Decision making
- Enhanced comfort experience
What does compliance
reference window cover?
*Not Just a Search Engine*
- knowledge based repository at finger tips
- Immediate Search helps in taking right decisions
- Reference for "client checks" on KYC registration on an ongoing basis
- When it comes to compliance "always remain updated"
Consolidated Product
- Circulars from 1991 onwords across regulators NSE/BSE/SEBI for cash,derivatives,BMS,SLBM
and Currency derivatives
- Depository related Circulars for NSDL/CDSL
- Commodity exchange related cirulars for MCX/NCDEX/NMCE/ICEX
- Orders and Rulings from SAT/Chairman/Members/ Adjudicating Officer of the SEBI From
March 2007
- Important Regulatory webpages as a part of regular compilation
- Percieved implications of Circulars/Orders and Rulings
- Hyperlink for Circulars/Orders for quick and easy referencing
- Updation of New Circulars/Orders releases with alerts on updation
- Compliance Calender-Exchange reporting manual
- RBI-FII/NRI/NBFC-ND-SI related circulars
What does compliance
reference window make my search easy
- Liniking of previous references/previous reference tracking,forword and backword
- Segregation of circulars into modules/sub-modules facilitating easy and speedy reference
- Keyword search with/without match case
- Highlighting of keyword search
- Advance filter on selected query
- Zoom view for selected circulars
- Ctrl + f(find) feature for further word search
- Column sorting
- Advance column filter
Also Power Alerts Software is available
Power Alerts Feature:
PMS-and SEBI Order
- Quick Updates
- Effortless access to Circulars Web link across Regulatiors
- Refer to older Circulars(upto 7 days)
- Set your Filters on choise of regultor and date
- Helping Compliance Updates at minimal cost
- Word Search Facility
- Zoom view
- Make circulars important/un-important
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